Using Reiki to allow you to move forward, empowered by your own healing.

Offering Reiki services to those who are courageously and persistently pursuing the best possible version of themselves.

Recharge and bring your energy back into balance.

I provide a range of services for those in different phases of their healing journey.

  • One-on-one virtual healing session to help clear energetic blocks and reveal the highest possible version of yourself. For those who are feeling stuck in their personal or professional lives and who feel drawn to the energy of Reiki.

  • For audiences that are interested, motivated and open to experiencing Reiki healing and value their personal healing, growth and development.

  • Level 1, Level 2 and Reiki Master Level in the Usui/Holy Fire® III Online Reiki and Holy Fire® III Online Karuna Reiki® Master Level.

  • For those who are aware of energy in their home or work space that impacts their day to day functioning and enjoyment of the space.

  • Offering personalized guidance for those who are stuck and are looking for clarity around a certain issue.

Meet Cindy

Cindy Bain is anything but your ordinary Reiki Master practitioner

with over 20 years of hands-on Reiki experience she also has a background in healthcare and well-being as Cindy was a Registered Nurse working at SickKids Hospital.  With a career focused in health and wellness, Cindy is dedicated to helping her clients become the best version of themselves and move forward in all aspects of their lives.  

Catering to all levels of clients, the energy work performed with Reiki allows one to unlock new levels of themselves and to elevate their being through their own healing.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.


“What an amazing experience. This was my very first Reiki treatment. If I had known what I know now, I would have reached out long before.

During the treatment I could feel the energy, even though we were 100’s of km apart. I was in a place that was willing to hear whatever I needed to hear and open to creating more opportunities so that I could carve out a path forward that’s even better than the past. She cleared a great deal of energy that no longer served me. To this date after receiving my first treatment, I feel more relaxed, at peace and know that I am very capable of dealing with any of life's speed bumps. I am so fortunate that my first and forever choice will be with Cindy. She is a remarkable, caring and very capable professional, of letting you enjoy your best life.”

-Tracey Rothwell